P/0470864125.jpg' alt='Arithmetic Operations In Cobol Program' title='Arithmetic Operations In Cobol Program' />COBOL Tutorial cobol verbs,COMPUTE ROUNDED ON SIZE ERROR, divide, Multiply Add, Subtract, Multiply, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, COMPUTE,STRING, UNSTRING, INSPECT, PERFORM. To simplify this program, it will be assumed that the first number in the file is an integer which tells the program how many real data points follow. The history of computer development is often referred to in reference to the different generations of computing devices. A generation refers to the state of. Search for course outlines by course subject, MnTC Goal Area, or course type. I am confused with the rounded in the compute function in cobol. Declaration VARA PIC S99V99 COMP3. VARB PIC S99V96 COMP3. Procedure. MOVE 12. COBOL DB2 Program Introduction. Steam Client With Full Steam Cache. Mainframes 3. 60. First, you need to declare the Cursor Query. DECLARE C1 CURSOR FOR is the statement used to declare a cursor. I am going to declare a cursor, which can retrieve Employee id, name, salary and joining date from the Employee table. You also need to supply the SQLCACOBOL Variable, that shall hold the results of the OPEN, FETCH and CLOSE Cursor operations. You want to be sure, that OPEN, FETCH and CLOSE Cursor operations go clean, without any errors, so you need SQLCA to check on that. You generally type an INCLUDE SQLCA entry. Now, you begin type executable COBOL Instructions in the PROCEDURE DIVISION. Essentially, the task of fetching data rows from the DB2 Table can be divided into 3 paragraphs 1. OPENing the Cursor 2. FETCHing data from the Cursor row by row and 3. CLOSEing Cursor. I have typed the MAIN Paragraph in the PROCEDURE DIVISION like this Line 3. Open paragraph, to open the cursor. When you do a FETCH in SQL, it returnsretrieves back the row, the cursor is currently pointing to. Every time you FETCH, the current row is returned, and the cursor is incrementedset to the next row. A SQLCODE0 signals a successful FETCH. This sequential row after row process of FETCHing, continues on and on. But, how do you know, how many rows you want to fetch 5, 1. You dont The situation where the cursor points to the Last row, and there is no more data to get, is detected using the special SQLCODE1. A SQLCODE1. 00 is the special, exceptional condition, where the cursor points to the last row, and there are no more data rows to FETCH. You should do as many FETCHs until, you hit SQLCODE1. Line 3. 8 in the PROCEDURE DIVISION, performs FETCH paragraph to get one row at a time, repeatedly until SQLCODE is set to 1. Line 3. 9 performs the Close, to close the cursor. To Open a Cursorand execute the Cursor query, in SQL you type OPEN cursor name. I have coded 1. 00 OPEN Paragraph below, which executes the SQL instruction, OPEN EMPCSR on Line 4. When you OPEN EMPCSR, it means SELECT EMPID,ENAME,SALARY,JDATE FROM EMPLOYEE query will run. The results will be stored in a SQL Area EMPCSR. The contents pf the Cursor Area EMPCSR are 1 RAM 1. RAJ 2. 00. 0 2. RAKESH 3. 00. 0 2. A marker or a pointer is set to the first row in the Cursor Area. This pointer position, tells whats the next row to be read To fetchreceive data rows from the SQL Cursor area into the COBOL Program, in SQL you type FETCH cursor area name INTO COBOL variables The 2. FETCH Paragraph from Lines 4. Cursor Area EMPCSR. So, this reads the row 1 RAM 1. But, when this data arrives in the COBOL Program, where is it stored So you also supply a list of COBOL Variables corresponding to each SQL Data value received. In the picture below, EMPLOYEE ID COBOL Variable will receive the value 1, EMPLOYEE NAME COBOL Variable will receive the value RAM, EMPLOYEE SALARY COBOL Variable will receive the value 1. EMPLOYEE JDATE COBOL Variable will receive the value 2. FETCH cursor area name is a SQL Instruction. When you want to use COBOL Variablesnon SQL Variables like EMPLOYEE ID, EMPLOYEE NAME etc. SQL Instruction, you prefix them with a Colon. I have DISPLAYed the recently fetched EMPLOYEE INPUT RECORD. After the FETCH Operation is completed successfully, the SQLCODE is set to 0. The pointer is incremented and set to the next row in the cursor area. RAM 1. 00. 0 2. RAJ 2. 00. 0 2. RAKESH 3. 00. 0 2. The 2. 00 FETCH Paragraph is performed over and over again, till youve read the last row, until SQLCODE1. The 2nd FETCH will store 2 in EMPLOYEE ID, RAJ in EMPLOYEE NAME, 2. EMPLOYEE SALARY and 2.