CabrilloToAdifSoftwareI. Introduction. Ever since software has become a part of amateur radio, there have been as many data formats as there have been ham radio software programmers. Version 19. 21 10 November 2017. UKEICC Call History File When calls with country modifiers were stored, for example both EA6GM3ZDH and GM3ZDH, SD ignored the. Ham Radio Software by DF3CB. I offer six software packages available here for download. All packages are freeware. Note Due to the very high number of users of my. Logger. 32. Quick links. Evaluating logging programs using a structured software evaluation method. Logger. 32s features, snags and bugs the highs and lows of an excellent logging program. Ham. QTH lookups using Logger. Asp.Net Real Estate Website Source Code. MMVARI soundcard data software integrates with Logger. WSJT X supplement the minimalist logging in WSJT X Check Call L3. Logger. 32 hack highlight arbitrary calls repurpose Logger. Cabrillo To Adif Software Piracy' title='Cabrillo To Adif Software Piracy' />I. Introduction I. A. Background. Ever since software has become a part of amateur radio, there have been as many data formats as there have been ham radio software. Im using Vista Windows 7, and I cant find the ADIFCabrilloOther file that I formatted for contest submission The latest versions of my software have all been. Ruby Prawns logo. My web hosting provider upgraded Ruby from 1. The upgrade is generally a good thing. However, the upgrade broke the Ruby PDF writer. Lo. TW lookup function. Log. Print an add on for printing QSL labels. Using Logger. 32 with Lo. Track DX spots from various sources and display them on Google Earth and maps. Register all my software at once as a package deal and save hundreds N3FJP Software Package without CD Only 49. N3FJP Software Package without CD includes full. Left 4 Dead 2 Blackbox Repack. With Contest LogChecker you can edit, fill in the log, check Cabrillo Format and Header, convert files from the most popular logging software to Cabrillo and ADIF. The CQ WW Contest Committee asks everyone who participates in the contest to submit their log in electronic format by email. Even small logs are very helpful in the. DPuuY8TK8/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Cabrillo To Adif Software Update' title='Cabrillo To Adif Software Update' />TW uploading QSOs to Lo. TW, downloading QSLs and DXCC records. Using Logger. 32 with the Elecraft K3 a few hints for Elecrafty users of Logger. This page is mostly about computer logging using Logger. Cabrillo To Adif Software DownloadBob K4. CY. Evaluating logging programs. Having emigrated to ZL in 2. DXCC hunt with a shiny new ZL callsign, I. My paper G4i. FB logbooks and. G4i. FB QSLs are now turning yellow and collecting dust on a shelf. So, how to choose a logging program Im used to evaluating software for work so decided to. First, I determined my requirements and listed them out, taking suggestions from fellow. DXers in CDXC. These became my evaluation criteria. Next, since some requirements are clearly more important than others, I prioritised and. I put the criteria into a column of a spreadsheet, adding columns for every logging program I. I obtained evaluation copies of several logging programs and entered the scores for each one. The spreadsheet calculates a percentage rating for each program by multiplying each of the. Easy peasy. Please note that both the criteria and weightings are personal to me. They reflect my priorities. I intended to use logging software. Im confident the spreadsheet is. Just because I chose Logger. The evaluation spreadsheet is a useful starting point. If you use or evaluate any of the logging. Cabrillo To Adif Software' title='Cabrillo To Adif Software' />All inputs are welcome. Im especially. keen to hear about logging programs that you feel score above Logger. I have chosen to use K4. CYs Logger. 32 for my everyday station log and although I havent gone. N1. MM for contest logging. Both. programs are free. ADIF XML log standard, meaning that after a contest I can. N1. MM easily into Logger. ADIF also means I can export logs to. Logger. 32 doesnt do what I need it to do, although I have noticed differences in. ADIF standard so it can be a risky process. Whatever else. you do, take frequent log backups and check them to make sure all the essential QSO. ADIF files are plain ASCII text, so you can open them. Notepad to browse through and edit. Check that your latest QSO appears at the bottom, and. DX and you, as operator, band and. ADIF output is essential if you use ARRLs Logbook of The World, which I heartily recommend its. The Web interface to Lo. TW is. somewhat clumsy and the initial registration process laborious but its worth it in the end to have. QSOs with thousands of other Lo. TW users, in a. secure manner, and an easier way to claim the ARRLs DXCC and WAS awards, plus CQ Magazines. WPX award if you enjoy collecting prefixes that is its a bit too close to train spotting or car. I dont wear an anorak. Back to quick links Logger. Logger. 32 is an. Its free. as in free beer not free speech. The author and support team put a huge amount of. Kudos to them for their true amateur spirit and for responding positively to reproducible bug. It follows the latest ADIF XML standard closely. ADIF compliant programs such as N1. MM and Lo. TW. It competently handles the basics. QSO information. displaying country info, beam headings, times, previous QSOs etc. Recent changes in the way. Internet call lookups are handled have made the process of logging QSOs much slicker so. Logger. 32 is now fast enough to keep up with me, even in pileup situations. The screen layout. DXcluster. greyline map, log entry screen, notes and more, all on the one screen the screenshot above. The layout, sequence and colouring of most windows and the. DXCC and QSL status can be customized. It tracks our. DXCC worked and confirmed. DXCC stats for all time or just. Clicking the top left. WorkedConfirmed window toggles. In the. example shown here, I see that I had worked HA. Hungary on all bands and modes over the. CW so far in 2. 01. The toggle setting also changes the highlighting. DXcluster spots accordingly. This is ideal for. CQ Marathon and annual league tables such. Clublog. Its extensible with several useful third party add ons written and released by other talented. It has additional features such as the. Digital Voice Keyer. From an icon on the main. I can trigger replay of the voice messages stored in the K3s optional DVR hardware. DX in an SSB pileup without constantly reaching for the rig or shouting into. The radio control panel function lets me send arbitrary. I can compose and test new K3 macros on the fly. Another useful additional function gives. MMTTY and MMVARI. QSO logging in Logger. Lissajous display, decoding, memory. MMTTYMMVARI. Logger. Club Logs wonderful DXCC info. Alan 5. B4. AHG, to identify the correct DXCC countries, both in near. Torrent The Nutcracker Tchaikovsky Three. QSOs using a daily update from Club Log and subsequently. QSOs for their DXCC status at the date and time they were logged. However, like all software, Logger. Here are the snags that bother. I consider design flaws, bugs and things it just doesnt do, in. Im concerned your priorities probably differ. Pointless confirmation clicks. I use. frequently e. Lo. TW updates through the otherwise very useful Logger. Lo. TWe. QSLClublog uploaddownload automation utility from N2. AMG. Logger. 32. From a usability. Do not bug me with this again option. And yes I know thats. If a station is spotted on DXcluster but then moves from, say, a busy. In the example seen at right. ES2. JG was spotted twice on 4. CW if for some reason I havent. I go for first Come on, hurry up with your answer since both. The band map configuration option. Show multiple spots for a callsign was unchecked in this case, which. I would have thought implies Dont show multiple spots for a callsign. Admittedly the logic is a bit tricky because multi. DXpeditions may transmit more than one signal on a band at once. Logger. 32 evidently cant figure out the difference between a single. Doh So much for AI The logbook can be sorted. The sort happens quickly. QSO line right after the sort, which is the Windows default. For. example, with the cursor sitting on a G3. SXW QSO, if I sort the log by. G3. SXW. QSO but with the logbook now in sorted callsign order around it. Although the program can check for updates automatically as it launches, the updates do not include updated help files. Download the latest help file manually from http www. Having added the appropriate data entry field to the log entry window, I can enter an. Americans two letter state abbreviation easily while Im having the QSO but the method of. US states andor counties. QSL cards is awkward, requiring a right click on the log line, select Edit Admin Subdivision. Apply. For. QSOs that already have a state but no county entered in the log, its necessary to open the. Edit secondary admin info screen and click the already highlighted state line to bring. Unnecessary clicks again. There is no simple way to create an ADIF file listing DXCC countries confirmed by QSL card. Lo. TW, for online DXCC applications. A workaround involves exporting the log as. ADIF file and processing it through another program that handles DXCC and awards. DXkeeper, and if necessary then re importing the updated log into. CQP Rules. Click HERE for a printable copy PDF of this Rules page. Logs are due by 2. UTC on Monday, October 2. Logs must be submitted electronically in Cabrillo format paper, Excel, and ADIF logs are NOT acceptable. DATES TIMES Begins 1. UTC 0. 7 October 2. Ends 2. 20. 0 UTC 0. October 2. 01. 7OBJECTIVE Stations outside of California work as many California stations in as many CA Counties as possible. Stations in California work. EXCHANGE 1. California stations send QSO number and 4 letter county abbreviation. Stations outside of California send QSO. State, Canadian area abbreviation, or DX. QSO POINTS Each complete non duplicate Phone contact is. Each complete non duplicate CW contact is worth 3. Although there is no credit for duplicate contacts, theres no penalty either, so please do not remove them from your log as they help with log checking. MULTIPLIERS A. California Stations Count U. S. states 5. 0 and Canadian areas. MR, QC, ON, MB, SK, AB, BC and NT where MR Maritime provinces plus Newfoundland and Labrador NB, NL, NS, PENT Northern Territories NT, NU, YTMaximum of 5. Multipliers. Note Although the CA abbreviation is not used as a. CA county logged will count as the multiplier for California. California stations must log all CA contacts with. DX for all stations outside of the U. S. and Canada. B. Non California Stations. Count all 5. 8 California Counties for a maximum of 5. SCORE The finals score is the total number of QSO. Points multiplied by the total number of multipliers 5. QSO Points CW Qs x 3 pts Phone Qs x 2 ptsFinal Score QSO Points x Multipliers. MODES CW, PHBANDS 1. Suggestions CW on 1. Hz up. from the bottom band edge. Phone on 1. 84. 5, 3. Try CW on. the half hour 1. UTC 8. 07. 5 meters at 0. UTC. Notes 1. All CW contacts must be made outside the Phone sub bands except for 1. Stations may be worked once on CW and once on Phone on each of the 6 bands maximum of 1. QSOs with any one station. CLASS ENTRY OPTIONSSingle Operator. Category. Code. Power Output Transmitters Operators. Maximum Operating Hrs. Single Operator High Power. SO HP 2. 00 wattsoneone. Single Operator Low Power. SO LP2. 00 watts or lessoneone. Single Operator QRP SO QRP5 watts or lessoneone. Note Off times must be a minimum of 1. It is not okay to use spotting nets operator arrangements involving assistance through DX alerting nets, packet cluster, CW skimmer, or self spotting. SO2. R operation is perfectly acceptable. Single Operator Assisted. Category. Code. Power Output Transmitters Operators. Maximum Operating Hrs. Single Operator Assisted High Power. SOA HP 2. 00 wattsoneone. Single Operator Assisted Low Power. SOA LP2. 00 watts or lessoneone. Single Operator Assisted QRPSOA QRP5 watts or lessoneone. Note Off times must be a minimum of 1. It is okay to use spotting networks, packet cluster, CW skimmer, RBN and other similar alerting arrangements, but self spotting is not allowed. SO2. R operation is perfectly acceptable. Multi Single. Category. Code. Power Output Transmitters Operators. Maximum Operating Hrs. Multi Single High Power. MS HP 2. 00 wattsonemultiple. Multi Single Low Power. MS LP2. 00 watts or lessonemultiple. Multi Single QRPMS QRP5 watts or lessonemultiple. Note The single transmitting operator cannot be replaced before 1. There is no time limit on band or mode changes. Other operators can listen, spot, or perform any other station function except transmitting. Self spotting is not allowed. Multi Multi. Category. Code. Power Output Transmitters Operators. Maximum Operating Hrs. Multi Multi High Power. MM HP 2. 00 wattsmultiplemultiple. Multi Multi Low Power. MM LP2. 00 watts or lessmultiplemultiple. Multi Multi QRPMM QRP5 watts or lessmultiplemultiple. Note There are no time limits on band or mode changes. Self spotting is not allowed. SPECIAL CATEGORIESNote. On The Log Submission Form, Please Check All That Apply. California County Expedition CCEA Caliifornia County Expedition is an operation from a temporary location using temporary antennas and operating positions installed no more than one 1 week prior to the contest period using temporary antenna supports however, natural supports like trees are permitted. CCE stations send only ONE county per exchange, including those on a county line. MobileMobile means operating in or on a movable vehicle, independent of all commercial power sources, which is able to travel at any time without having to disconnect any wiring or change any antennas in order to move to another location. Note California Mobile stations which change counties or states are considered to be new stations and may be contacted again for point and multiplier credit. Note The California Mobile station which makes the most total QSOs during CQP wins the Mobile plaque. School. School entries must use the appropriate school call sign and operate from the campus station if one exists. Any school club member may operate including students, faculty, staff, and alumniae. YL Operator. Only YLs entering in single operator categories are eligible for the YL Operator award those working as part of Multi Op teams are not eligible. Youth Operator. A Youth Operator is an operator who is younger than 1. Only Youth Operators entering in single operator categories are eligible for the Youth Operator award those working as part of Multi Op teams are not eligible. California New Contester Open to any station in California who submits a log for CQP with at least 1. QSOs. Must attest that they have never submitted a log with 1. QSOs in any contest Station antennas are limited to a single tri bander and wire antennas or verticals and wire antennas. Only California New Contesters entering in Single Operator categories are eligible for the California New Contester Award. CLUB COMPETITIONFor CQP 2. Club Competition, there are three new separate Size categories a. Small the 1. 0 highest scores from a club whose members who submitted their log in the Small category will count for this competition category. Medium the 3. 5 highest scores from a club whose members who submitted their log in the Medium category will count for this competition category. Large clubs may combine the scores of any number of their members. COMPLETE RULES FOR CLUB COMPETITION CAN BE FOUND ON THE CLUB COMPETITION PAGE LOCATED HERE. LOGGING SOFTWARE For free CQPWIN logging software, and other resources, please visit the CQP Software Page http www. Software. html. ENTRIES Please submit your log by either one of the following. Logs must be submitted electronically in Cabrillo format paper, Excel, and ADIF logs are NOT acceptable. If you need to correct something in your log, you can resubmit it. The last version of your log received before the log submission deadline, will be considered your official log. The deadline for submission of all logs is 2. UTC MONDAY, OCTOBER 2. If you have any difficulty with either submission method, please email a. Option. Comment. Link. Use The CQP Log Submission Form. Preferred Method. Please use this form if at all possible. Its easy. Deadline has passed. Email Your Log As Attachment. Please consider Option 1 First. NOTES 1. Regardless of the method you use to submit your log, it is YOUR responsibility to check our Logs Received page and verify that it has been listed. You can check the CQP Logs Received server here robot. The server is updated daily.