The Free Dictionarysound 1 soundn. Vibrations transmitted through an elastic solid or a liquid or gas, with frequencies in the approximate range of 2. Transmitted vibrations of any frequency. HTB1N8czMpXXXXbbXVXXq6xXFXXXP/223244205/HTB1N8czMpXXXXbbXVXXq6xXFXXXP.jpg?size=118342&height=800&width=640&hash=620c4280a7447ecd2a9bcb9694070246' alt='Casual Fear Itself Zip' title='Casual Fear Itself Zip' />The sensation stimulated in the organs of hearing by such vibrations in the air or other medium. Such sensations considered as a group. A distinctive noise a hollow sound. The distance over which something can be heard within sound of my voice. Linguisticsa. An articulation made by the vocal apparatus a vowel sound. The distinctive character of such an articulation The words bear and bare have the same sound. A mental impression an implication didnt like the sound of the invitation. Auditory material that is recorded, as for a movie. Meaningless noise. Music A distinctive style, as of an orchestra or singer. Archaic Rumor report. To make or give forth a sound The siren sounded. To be given forth as a sound The fanfare sounded. To present a particular impression That argument sounds reasonable. To cause to give forth or produce a sound sounded the gong. To summon, announce, or signal by a sound sound a warning. Linguistics To articulate pronounce sound a vowel. To make known celebrate Nations unborn your mighty names shall soundAlexander Pope. To examine a body organ or part by causing to emit sound auscultate. Phrasal Verb sound off. R/-/R-9124482-1475191945-3620.jpeg.jpg' alt='Casual Fear Itself Zip' title='Casual Fear Itself Zip' />
To express ones views vigorously was always sounding off about higher taxes. To count cadence when marching in military formation. Free from defect, decay, or damage in good condition Is the bridge sound Free from disease or injury. See Synonyms at healthy. Marked by or showing common sense and good judgment levelheaded a sound approach to the problem. Based on valid reasoning having no logical flaws a sound conclusion sound reasoning. See Synonyms at valid. Logic Of or relating to an argument in which all the premises are true and the conclusion follows from the premises. Secure or stable a partnership that started on a sound footing. Financially secure or safe a sound economy. The Casual Kink trope as used in popular culture. Sometimes sexualities such as sadomasochism and fetishism come into play simply as a kinky counterpart of. Garden Shed 6 X 3 Lean To Shed Construction Pdf Garden Shed 6 X 3 Gambrel Roof Garden Shed Plans Hopkins Shed Kit Instructions. Beliefnet provides the best wellness tips and advice. From dealing with stress to personal development tips, Beliefnet has everything youre looking for. Instagram, Facebooks hotter, snootier subsidiary, may have a massive data breach on its hands. See quick tips and examples for how to write a grant application for funding. Warning False teeth can wreck your gums. But there IS an answer if you can conquer your fear of the dentist. James Coneys front tooth had been knocked out twice. HTB1p0LnQFXXXXXeapXXq6xXFXXXr/2017-fashion-men-jeans-hiphop-pants-side-zippers-casual-fear-of-god-jogger-pants-Elastic-Stretch.jpg' alt='Casual Fear Itself Zip' title='Casual Fear Itself Zip' />Thorough complete gave their rivals a sound thrashing. Deep and unbroken undisturbed a sound sleep. Compatible with an accepted point of view orthodox sound doctrine. Thoroughly deeply sound asleep. Middle English, from Old English gesund. Abbr. Sd. a. A long, relatively wide body of water, larger than a strait or a channel, connecting larger bodies of water. A long, wide ocean inlet. Archaic The swim bladder of a fish. Middle English, from Old English sund, swimming, sea. To measure the depth of water, especially by means of a weighted line fathom. To try to learn the attitudes or opinions of sounded out her feelings. To probe a body cavity with a sound. To measure depth. To dive swiftly downward. Used of a marine mammal or a fish. To look into a possibility investigate. An instrument used to examine or explore body cavities, as for foreign bodies or other abnormalities, or to dilate strictures in them. Middle English sounden, from Old French sonder, from sonde, sounding line, probably of Germanic origin. General Physics a. It has a velocity in air at sea level at 0C of 3. Broadcasting modifier of or relating to radio as distinguished from television sound broadcasting sound radio. Physiology the sensation produced by such a periodic disturbance in the organs of hearing. Big Ben. 8. the impression or implication of something I dont like the sound of that. Phonetics Phonology phonetics the auditory effect produced by a specific articulation or set of related articulations. Jazz often plural slang music, esp rock, jazz, or popvb. Law law usually foll by in to have the essential quality or nature of an action sounding in damages. C1. 3 from Old French soner to make a sound, from Latin sonre, from sonus a soundsoundableadjsound sand adj. Banking Finance financially safe or stable a sound investment. Brit excellent. 10. Law law of a title, etc free from defect legally valid. Logic logica. of a deductive argument validb. Old English sund related to Old Saxon gisund, Old High German gisuntsoundlyadvsoundnessnsound sand vb. Navigation to measure the depth of a well, the sea, etc by lowering a plumb line, by sonar, etc. Zoology intr of a whale, etc to dive downwards swiftly and deeply. Medicine meda. to probe or explore a bodily cavity or passage by means of a soundb. Surgery med an instrument for insertion into a bodily cavity or passage to dilate strictures, dislodge foreign material, etcC1. Old French sonder, from sonde sounding line, probably of Germanic origin related to Old English sundgyrd sounding pole, Old Norse sund strait, sound. Physical Geography a relatively narrow channel between two larger areas of sea or between an island and the mainland. Physical Geography an inlet or deep bay of the sea. Zoology the air bladder of a fishOld English sund swimming, narrow sea related to Middle Low German sunt strait see sound. Sound sand n Placename the Sound a strait between SW Sweden and Zealand Denmark, linking the Kattegat with the Baltic busy shipping lane spanned by a bridge in 2. Length of the strait 1. Narrowest point 5 km 3 miles. Danish name resund Swedish name resundsound. Motown sound. 6. b. I dont like the sound of that report. Archaic. a report or rumor. His voice sounded strange. The report sounds true. Sound the alarm. 1. The oboe sounded an A. The bugle sounded retreat. Informal. a. to call out ones name, as at military roll call. Middle English soun lt Anglo French Old French son lt Latin sonus v. Middle English sounen lt Old French suner lt Latin sonre, derivative of sonussoundable,adj. Middle English sund, Old English gesund see y c. Dutch gezond, German gesundsoundly,adv. Sound her out about working for us. Middle English sounden lt Old French sonder to plumb, derivative of sonde sounding linesoundable,adj. Long Island Sound. How To Extend Visual Studio 2013 Trial Period. Puget Sound. 3. the air bladder of a fish. Middle English Old English sund swimming, sea, c. Old Norse sund akin to swimSound sand n. A type of wave motion that originates as the vibration of a medium such as a persons vocal cords or a guitar string and travels through gases, liquids, and elastic solids as variations of pressure and density. The loudness of a sound depends on the amplitude of the sound wave. The pitch depends on its frequency. The sensation produced in the organs of hearing by waves of this type. See Note at ultrasound. Did You Know The form of energy called sound is produced when matter moves or vibrates. The vibrations are transferred to another medium, usually the air, and travel through it as sound waves. You hear a sound when its vibrations reach your eardrum, causing it to vibrate. The pitch of a sound is directly related to the frequency of the vibrations of its waves. People with excellent hearing can hear very low sounds, vibrating about 2. Other animals can hear sounds at higher vibrations. Bats, for instance, can hear sounds with vibrations as high as 1. The loudness, or intensity, of sound is measured in decibels. For each increase of 1. For example, a sound of 2. The softest sound humans can hear, at the very threshold of hearing, has a loudness of 0 decibels. A moderate conversation has a loudness of about 6. Sound with intensity greater than 8. A long body of water, wider than a strait, that connects larger bodies of water.